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A photo of a pendulum, tea light, crystals, and tarot books with the words "Tips on Finding a Professional Divination Expert" written across it.

Tips on Finding a Professional Divination Expert

When people think of tarot readers, or any divination professional, they usually picture mysterious old women in secluded booths, masked by beaded curtains. However, now you can find quality readers online, at local festivals, nail salons, hen parties, corporate events, and more. But, with this surge in popularity divination of all forms have attracted its share of dubious readers.

Many readers engage in their work with a genuine desire to help clients sort out life issues and offer the insight. Others are in it purely to make money which can affect the reading and the client experience, causing skepticism and a poor opinion of divination in general.

So when you're looking for guidance, how can you separate the wheat from the chaff?

For one thing, you should look out for personal interaction. Usually individual readers who set up their own websites, or go through an online marketplace such as Etsy or similar, where there are customer protections in place, are more reliable. Look for readers who are willing to help you choose a quality query, explain what to expect from their readings, and have an ethics statement and privacy policy. 

When assessing customer protections, you'll want your credit card details to be secure. What payment options are accepted, how are they processed?  A bona fide website will also outline clearly what type of reading you get for your money and how much that reading is.

Who is your reader and can you understand the services received for the price paid? If it's not clear on the website or marketplace, you might have something shady on your hands. If it's organized by a virtually anonymous company, what are you getting? Will the information you receive be genuine or something printed from a long list of options by a computer? Ethical readings involve a one off payment for a well described service.

A best practice is to select a reading type from a site or marketplace which offers a range of options. If you want detailed information about your life over the coming year, then you would be looking at a reading which is quite substantial and for which you would pay more. Simpler questions such as, "what should I focus on for the next three months?" can be covered in smaller layouts.

Cost does not always equal information given. Carefully look over a reader's offerings and choose according to what you would like to know, not according to what is the most or least expensive. For example, choosing an expensive 12 month reading is not going to give you more information than a three month reading if the issue you're querying about will happen in the next three months. if you choose an appropriate reading, it should cover the issue you are looking at adequately and there should be no need to have more readings on that topic. It can be unproductive to ask the same question again and again. 

Provided you keep these points in mind, the Internet offers a wide range of readers, from different traditions, who are able to help you in your quest to understand your life better. That is what a reading should be. It should not be a lip trembling moment of consulting about your fate but a genuine inquiry into the possibilities around you at the time. 

I offer over 30 different readings in my Etsy store (soon to be here on this website) and they all come with a free oracle card pull as well! Please reach out with any questions!

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A photo of a pendulum, tea light, crystals, and tarot books with the words "Tips on Finding a Professional Divination Expert" written across it.

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